Alright, so now that I have this blog set up (and I'm actually hearing rumors that I *might* actually be getting some followers--wowza!) I thought I should take some time to tell you a little bit about myself and my involvement with USPC.
My name is Yvette Seger, but most Pony Club members call me "Sock Lady." Even Pony Club parents call me "Sock Lady." I actually don't mind because "Sock Lady" is misspelled and mispronounced less often than my real name. I blame this on general confusion about whether the letter Y is a vowel or a consonant in the US, but that's more of a discussion for my Facebook page than The Daily Sheet. But I digress...
Anyway, who am I? Well, I'm a graduate H-A Pony Club member from Lake Shore Pony Club, a now defunct club in the
Tri-State Region, that was based in Huron and Lorain counties of Ohio. If you need a landmark, the world famous amusement park,
Cedar Point, was pretty much where we had all of our unmounted meetings in the summer. I mean, riding cross-country is like a 4-legged roller coaster, right? I learned to ride when I was 8 years old, and my love for horses was and continues to be quite a shock to my parents (and their checkbook!) They sent me to a week of Girl Scout camp, and then all of a sudden they have this child that is now running around the house, building jump courses out of chairs and coffee tables (all while wearing a helmet, natch!) They hoped it was a passing phase, but by the time I was 10, they'd given up all hope, sold our home in the Cleveland suburbs and purchased a home with 9 acres so that I could finally have a horse of my own. See, we Segers are all about the "full experience." If I was going to have a horse, my parents wanted me to do
everything. Thus the solution was to move to the country, and build a stable in the backyard. My parents purchased Smokey, my saintly first horse, for my 11th birthday and he moved into our backyard that spring. I'd read every horse book that I could get my hands on (including the Pony Club Manual of the time -
The British Horse Society's Manual of Horsemanship) but let's be honest...Two non-horsey parents and an 11 year old horse crazy kid? It's amazing that we didn't kill poor Smokey!
Me and Smokey, pre-Pony Club Enter Pony Club. By chance, my mom and I met Dr. Jeni Hren-Gaffney at the local vet clinic (those barn cats need veterinary care, too!) and we mentioned that I had a horse. O...M...G...Jeni told us all about this magical organization called "Pony Club" that I *had* to join (and what better spokesperson than Jeni, a Graduate A and now the DC of Bath Pony Club?) I re-read my favorite book,
A Very Young Rider, and realized that my idol Vivi had been in Pony Club. Vivi wore her Pony Club pin on the front of her helmet and it looked SO COOL. *I* wanted to be in Pony Club!!! Shortly after, I joined Cuyahoga Valley Pony Club (formerly Hudson PC, and currently called Columbia Hills PC) and received my D3 rating. I proudly put my Pony Club pin on the front of my helmet, just like Vivi.
Memories from my first Pony Club Rally, the Tri-State Regional Dressage Rally. Left: The Cuyahoga Valley Pony Club Team (Smokey and I are second from left). Right: Me and Smokey posing with our awesome Stable Manager, Lisa. Our team got second place, and I was the overall high score "D!"
Nearly 25 years later, I'm still proudly wearing my Pony Club pin (just not on my helmet!) On any given weekend, you can find me wearing it on some brightly colored polo shirt (to complement my socks) while judging Horse Management at a rally, or wearing the smaller Life Member version on my jacket while competing at events. In addition to my PC pin, I wear a few hats within the USPC organization. In 2007, I became a Chief Horse Management judge - a role in which I never saw myself, but all my PC friends now tell me that they just
knew I would do someday (hey, I knew the rulebook and had a high return of points on inquiries!) In 2008, I became the Horse Management Organizer - or HMO - of the Capital Region (oh yeah, I moved to Washington, D.C. at some point between my D3 rating and now - come visit my
House anytime!) and I am currently the Co-Chair of the National Horse Management Committee (you know, the group who is responsible for writing the rulebook and reading all of your rally evals! Yes! Yes! We
DO read them!!!) I'll tell ya...I never imagined
any of this when I was a kid...but I love it. And it may sound a bit cheesy, but I don't mind giving up a lot of my time because I know lots of people did it for me. And I have to say, I have a good time hanging out with all of you, too! :)
So there it Pony Club "history." Wow. I feel old.
And just because I'm counting...
85 days until Festival 2011!!!
Got a question or topic you'd like me to cover in The Daily Sheet? Email Me!