Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Am I in Kansas or Kentucky???

Well, the good news is that I made it to Lexington! The bad news is...IT'S RAINING!!! I cannot believe how much rain has fallen just since I arrived at 4 pm, and it looks as though Lexington has been getting this much rain every day for the past few weeks...holy schmoley - there are lots of unintentional "water features" all over the Horse Park!

There was an interesting twist to the First Horse Inspection this morning...ever try to hold a CCI**** jog when there are tornado warnings and sirens going off? Well, that's what Rolex organizers had to deal with this morning. All of the Rolex and reining horses were moved into the Alltech Arena to wait out the storms. The jog, originally scheduled for 10 am, was pushed back t0 11 am. A total of 45 horses will contest the 2011 title.

My trip was rather uneventful, although my poor little car was getting tossed around a bit in West Virginia from the high winds. Roadkill count for my 530 mile journey - 21: 1 deer, 2 avian, 1 disembodied deer leg, and 17 unidentifiable small mammals.

If you haven't been to the Horse Park since 2007 (like me), boy, are you in for a shock! Having grown up in Ohio, I spent a lot of time competing at horse trials at the Horse Park, so I used to be pretty confident that I knew the layout like the back of my hand. While the stabling area pretty much looks "same as it ever was," there are clearly some swanky new facilities as a result of last year's WEGs (see aforementioned Alltech Arena.) I can't wait for the sun to come out so that I can take pictures and show you where all of the Festival events will be taking place!!

Alright, well, tomorrow is the first day of dressage and Kelly and Reggie are the last ride of the day at 3:17 pm. Keep your fingers crossed that it won't rain!!!

Oh yeah...83 days until Festival 2011!!!

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